1. Servant
Effect: You become the designated Servant.
Rule: Whenever any player needs a new drink, it’s your responsibility to get it for them.
In Practice: This effect turns you into the “gopher.” Make sure everyone’s drinks are topped up; otherwise, you’re breaking the rule.
2. Cleanup Duty
Effect: You are on Cleanup Duty.
Rule: If you make a successful shot into this hole twice in a row before anyone else scores, you must gather all the empty bottles and cans on the table and dispose of them.
In Practice: Getting Cleanup Duty doesn’t always kick in immediately. It only triggers if you’re the first to make two back-to-back shots in that specific hole. Then you do the recycling/cleanup run.
3. Laughing Gas
Effect: You are affected by Laughing Gas.
Rule: From now on, if you’re caught laughing, you must take one drink.
In Practice: Keep that poker face—any giggle, chuckle, or belly-laugh will cost you a drink.
4. Solo
Effect: You must drink three times.
Rule: Straightforward—just take three sips or gulps (depending on your group’s standard).
In Practice: Instant penalty; no continuing effect beyond those three immediate drinks.
5. Werewolf
Effect: You become a Werewolf.
You must perform a werewolf howl and take a drink upon getting this effect.
Until every player has also landed in the Werewolf hole (thus becoming werewolves themselves), you must howl and drink any time someone makes a successful shot.
Once all players become werewolves, the effect “resets.”
In Practice: Expect a lot of howling until everyone has joined the furry side. After everyone cycles through, it can start all over again.
6. Face Off
Effect: Initiate a Face Off.
Rule: Challenge another player to a quick contest (rock-paper-scissors or coin toss). The loser must take two drinks.
In Practice: It’s a brief one-on-one penalty game. If you lose, down two.
7. Deception
Effect: Engage in Deception.
Tell a story—this can be completely true or totally made up.
Each player guesses if it’s true or false.
For every correct guess, you (the storyteller) drink once.
For every incorrect guess, the guesser drinks once.
In Practice: Good chance to fool your friends. The more convincing you are, the fewer times you’ll drink.
8. Circle of Chaos
Effect: Start the Circle of Chaos.
Begin drinking.
The player to your left starts drinking at the same time you do but can’t stop until you stop.
This continues around the circle clockwise.
To keep it safe, limit each person’s continuous drink time (e.g., 5 seconds max).
In Practice: It creates a chain reaction of drinking. You’re in control of how long everyone drinks, but be responsible!
9. Possessed
Effect: You become Possessed.
Rule: Choose another player and “link” with them. Whenever you drink, they must also drink, and whenever they drink, you must also drink.
In Practice: Think of it as a two-person echo. Pick someone wisely—or mischievously.
10. Interrogate
Effect: You can now Interrogate others.
Rule: From the moment you gain this effect, whenever someone answers a question you ask, they have to take one drink.
In Practice: If you love asking questions, you can force your friends to drink a lot. However, they might catch on and stay silent to avoid answering!
11. Cursed
Effect: You are Cursed.
Rule: You may ignore one rule or game effect of your choice until another player becomes Cursed by landing in the Cursed hole.
In Practice: It’s a temporary “shield” that lets you dodge a single penalty or rule. Choose wisely which effect to ignore.
12. Devil’s Note
Effect: You hold the Devil’s Note.
Rule: With the phone owner’s permission, you may send a text or post on their social media. The content must be acceptable to both parties.
In Practice: This is more playful than punishing. You can have fun with a quick, silly message, as long as everyone’s cool with it.
13. Slaughter
Effect: Initiate a Slaughter.
Choose an imaginary weapon and a sound effect (e.g., “Pew pew!”).
When you “shoot” another player, everyone else must immediately follow suit and “shoot” someone who hasn’t already been shot.
The last person to do this, or anyone who shoots someone who was already shot, must take a drink.
In Practice: A quick reflex mini-game. Don’t be the slowest one, or you’ll drink.
14. Spell
Effect: Cast a Spell.
You may create a new rule of your choice.
Decide if it’s permanent for the rest of the game or until the next player lands in the Spell hole and replaces it.
In Practice: This is your big chance to add chaos (or mercy). You can invent anything from silly speech rules to more drinking antics.